What is the CASBEE evaluation and certification system?
CASBEE (“Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency”) is a comprehensive assessment system for evaluating and rating the environmental performance of buildings that was developed in 2002 by the Japan Sustainable Building Consortium under the leadership of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
The CASBEE evaluation and certification is a system in which a third-party organization certifies that the content of evaluations of buildings assessed by CASBEE appraisers has been properly reviewed and is accurate.
We are accredited by the Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation (IBEC, General Incorporated Foundation) as a CASBEE evaluation and certification organization (IBEC Agency Accreditation No. 12), and are able to provide evaluation and certification services for categories No. 3 "CASBEE Real Estate" and No. 4 "CASBEE Wellness Office.

CASBEE Real Estate
CASBEE Real Estate is a rating system developed as a method to easily evaluate environmental performance of existing architectural structures. We obtained A rank certification by presenting a case study of evaluation at Nippon Kanzai’s building in Nishinomiya City. It was the first site accredited with the “CASBEE Real Estate” certificate. While proposing the knowhow to our clients, we strive to make social contributions in an environmentally friendly manner.
Characteristics of CASBEE Real Estate evaluated and certificated by Nippon Kanzai
- There are two ways of applying. The applicants can either conduct a self-evaluation using a CASBEE Real Estate appraiser + apply to a certification body, or request one certification body to perform their appraisals + ask another body to certify them. This is enabled because we have a large number of in-house real estate appraisers and independent certification sections.
- We offer services to improve the quality of building management including energy saving, in order to advance its evaluation points.

CASBEE Wellness Office
CASBEE Wellness Office is a rating system developed as a method to evaluate specification, performance and approach of building that support to maintain and improve health & comfort for building users.
The applicants can either conduct self-evaluation using CASBEE Wellness Office appraiser + apply to a certification body, or request one certification body to perform their appraisals + ask another body to certify them.

In addition, it is possible to obtain CASBEE-Smart Wellness Office Certification for buildings notified and registered with third-party certification or self-evaluation (municipality registration, IBEC registration), under Comprehensive Environmental Performance Evaluation such as CASBEE for Buildings and/or CASBEE for Real Estate. (However, the evaluation rank must be B+ or higher.)
- Nippon Kanzai’s Engineering Service
- Repair Plan
- Building Diagnosis
- Seismic Diagnosis
- Engineering Report(ER)
- Repair Work
- Energy Management
- Database