1.Purpose of using personal information
Nippon Kanzai Co., Ltd. will use Personal Information only within the scope necessary for the achievement of the business and the purpose(s) of use which have been specified below.
(1)Our business
- Total building management
- Total residential property management
- Total public facility management
- Real estate investment management
- Building consulting
(2)Purpose of use
- <Personal information of customers>
- To exercise the rights and fulfill the obligations based on the contracts and laws related to our business.
- To conduct our business appropriately and smoothly.
- To communicate with customers appropriately and smoothly, such as contact for business occasions and sending greeting letters/cards.
- To conduct contracted business appropriately and smoothly in the case we are commissioned by other business operators in whole or part of handling Personal Information related to business such as facility equipment maintenance, cleaning, security, residential property management or public facility management.
- <Personal information of employees, applicants and retired employees>
- For recruitment activity.
- For employment management.
- To provide information and contact with retired employees.
- ※Submitted documents by applicant will not be returned. We will discard them in a responsible manner.
- <Personal information of shareholders>
- To exercise the rights and fulfill the obligation based on the Companies Act.
- To provide various benefits related to the status as the shareholders.
- To implement measures to build good relationship between the company and the shareholders from the viewpoint of an association and its constituent member.
- For shareholder management such as creating data of shareholders based on the defined standards in each related laws and regulations.
<Specific personal information of employees, etc.>
Individual Number (My Number) of employees, etc. will be stated on “Withholding tax slip of employment income”, “Payment record”, “Report of insured person for health insurance and welfare pension”, “Request for workers’ compensation benefits”, so that we can, in accordance with laws and regulations, administer clerical works such as filing to government agencies; preparation and submission of legal documents related to financial instruments transactions for employee shareholding; and producing legal records for Defined Benefit Corporate Pension, employee group life insurance and employee’s savings scheme.
2.Measures taken for safety control measures
In compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and guidelines, we will take necessary and appropriate measures (hereinafter referred to as "security control measures") to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information that we handle, and to otherwise safely control personal information, as follows
(1)Establishment of Basic Principle
In order to ensure the proper handling of personal information, the Company has established the "Personal Information Protection Policy (https://www.nkanzai.co.jp/sustainability/privacy/)" as a basic principle.
(2)Discipline for handling personal information
The Company has established internal rules governing how personal information is handled, who is responsible and in charge, and their roles.
(3)Organizational Security Control Measures
We have appointed the General Manager for Personal Information Protection as the person in charge of handling personal information in our organizational structure, and have established a personal information protection management system and implemented internal controls for the protection of personal information. We have also established a structure to ensure that our employees (including contract employees and temporary employees) comply with internal regulations regarding safety management measures, and that if an employee becomes aware of a fact or indication that the law or internal regulations have been violated, he or she reports or notifies the General Manager for Personal Information Protection and other responsible personnel. Furthermore, when outsourcing operations that handle personal information, we strictly supervise the outsourcee and monitor the outsourcee to ensure that the security control measures for personal information are strictly maintained.
(4)Personnel Safety Control Measures
We regularly educate and train our employees on the proper handling of personal information.
(5)Physical and technical safety control measures
In the areas where personal information is handled, we control the access of employees and third parties, and take measures to prevent theft, such as locking and storing documents, media, and equipment that contain personal information. In addition, the Company implements access control to personal information and information systems that handle personal information, computer virus countermeasures, unauthorized software countermeasures, and information system monitoring.
Examples: prohibiting the storage of personal data in locations other than the designated storage locations, applying high-level policies regarding authentication passwords, and obtaining and analyzing the operation history of personal information.
(6)Understanding the external environment
We maintain personal information only in Japan.
3.Provision of Personal Information to a third party
We shall not, except in the following cases, provide Personal Information to a third party without obtaining the prior consent of the person.
- Cases in which the provision of Personal Information is based on laws and regulations.
- Cases in which the provision of Personal Information is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
- Cases in which the provision of Personal Information is particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
- Cases in which the provision of Personal Information is necessary for cooperating with a public agency, a local government, or an individual or a business operator entrusted to execute the statutory acts and in which obtaining the consent of the person is likely to impede the execution.
4.Joint use of Personal Information
- We may jointly use provided Personal Information with our group/affiliate companies for a specific purpose such as proposal of our products and services, or responses to various inquiries from customers.
- Jointly used Personal Information includes the organization to which the person belongs (e.g. company name or school name), title and position, name, contact information (e.g. address, phone number, e-mail address), inquiries and messages sent by the person.
- Our group/affiliate companies, which may jointly use Personal Information, are as follows.
- Nippon Kanzai Holdings Co., Ltd.
- Three-S Co., Ltd.
- Japan Environmental Solutions, Ltd.
- Nippon Kanzai Environment Service Co., Ltd.
- Tokyo Capital Management Co., Ltd.
- NS Corporation Co., Ltd.
- Nippon Kanzai Housing Management Co., Ltd.
- Japan Housing Management Co.
- NJK Staff Service Co., Ltd.
- Okinawa Nippon Kanzai Co., Ltd.
- Neotrust Co., Ltd.
- We obtain Personal Information through business cards received from customers and query forms filled by customers and applicants.
- The personnel responsible for management of jointly used Personal Information
Officer of Business Administration Department of Nippon Kanzai Co., Ltd.
5.About Obtained Personal Information
(1)The business operator name, address and representative
Business operator:Nippon Kanzai Co., Ltd.
Address:9-16 Rokutanji-cho, Nishinomiya City
Representative:President and Representative Director Shintaro Fukuda
(2)The General Manager, division and address for Personal Information
Title:Officer of Business Administration Department
Division:Business Administration Department
Contact:「6. Questions and complaints about handling of Personal Information」
(3)Purpose of using Obtained Personal Information
- <Personal Information of customers>
- To exercise the right and fulfill the obligation based on the contracts and laws related to our business.
- To conduct our business appropriately and smoothly.
- To communicate with customers appropriately and smoothly, such as contact for business occasions and sending greeting letters/cards.
- To conduct our business appropriately and smoothly, such as facility equipment maintenance, cleaning, security, residential property management and public facility management (Except for the jobs entrusted by others).
- <Personal Information of employees, applicants and retired employees>
- For recruitment activity.
- For employment management.
- To provide information and contact with retired employees.
- <Personal Information of shareholders>
- To exercise the right and fulfill the obligation based on the Companies Act.
- To provide various benefits related to the status as the shareholders.
- To implement measures to build good relationship between the company and the shareholders from the viewpoint of an association and its constituent member.
- For shareholder management such as creating data of shareholders based on the defined standards in each related laws and regulations.
(4)Procedures of disclosure, correction and others
We accept requests for disclosure of obtained personal information or records provided to third parties, for notice of purpose of use, for correction, for cessation of use and for cessation of provision to a third party (hereinafter referred to as "disclosure and others") and shall conduct the same
①Make request for disclosure and others to:
*Please attach required documents to the designated request form and send to the address written below.
Personal Information Inquiry Counter
Certification Management Department
9-16 Rokutanji-cho, Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture 662-8588
②Required documents
- Request for disclosure of Personal Information
- Identity verification document(e.g. driver license or passport)
- If the request is made by a statutory agent, additional document that proves legal representation authority will be required.
- If the request is made by a voluntary agent, in addition to the above documents, proxy form that specified by the Company and certificate of registered seal will be required.
In regard to Sensitive Information (e.g. domicile of origin) written in required documents, please black out the section before submission.
If it is not done, we will black out the section and consider that no Sensitive Information is obtained.
Please note that 1,000 yen (tax excluded) per request will be charged for disclosure request and notice of purpose of use. Please make a payment by wiring if the request is sent by postal mail.
Please contact the inquiry counter below for details of procedures to request disclosure and others.
6.Questions and complaints about handling of Personal Information
Please contact the inquiry counter below for questions and complaints about handling of Personal Information by NIPPON KANZAI., Co., Ltd.
[Contact regarding the Personal Information]
Personal Information Inquiry Counter
Certification Management Department, NIPPON KANZAI Co., Ltd.