Repair Plan

Plan effective and efficient repair and estimate cost and time period
Help keep the building attractive over a long time

While understanding the present situation through building diagnosis, we utilize the vast database accumulated through many years of building management experience and examine the cost and cycle of repair or refurbishment work. We provide an appropriate repair plan to ensure that the building will remain attractive in 20 or 30 years from now.

Nippon Kanzai’s long-term repair plan

  • At the planning phase without specific drawings, we can estimate specifications and required amount of each building element, using our own data.
  • With design drawings and specifications, or at the time of completion of construction, we check the specifications and the amount of each element, and create a plan based on a standard repair cycle.
  • In the case of an existing building, we confirm and assess the degree of the building’s deterioration through a site inspection (building diagnosis) and examine the cost and cycle of repair or refurbishment work, to develop a repair plan.
  • We are also capable of offering complicated management styles, such as for complex facilities and mixed use of condominium, commercial and public facilities. Calculation of repair cost for each management or ownership segment is available.
  • Breakdown of a long term repair plan Breakdown of a long term repair plan
  • Full graph of a long term repair plan Full graph of a long term repair plan
  • Report on a repair plan Report on a repair plan